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Jocelyn Ulevicus

Red Bird At Dawn

I was born with two images of

myself: walking over water and

flapping my arms up and down as

if they were wings / not defending

myself or leading people on to

think I am anything less than a

survivor let loose in the wind / cut

free from a woman’s body

singing a song to and for myself—

as a way of taking good care.

Suppose the body speaks

languages of birth and death /

a multiplicity of myths.

Jocelyn Ulevicus is an artist and writer with work forthcoming or published in magazines such as the Free State Review, The Petigru Review, Quince Magazine, and Humana Obscura. Working from a female speculative perspective, themes of nature and the unseen; and exit and entry are dominantly present in her work. She resides in Amsterdam and is currently working on her first book of poems. To see her artwork and her cute cat, Pilar, visit her on IG @beautystills.

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