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We don't have tote bags but...

Hole In The Head is one year old and what a year it's been! Each of our four issues cast a wide net. We were rewarded with just what we’d hoped for: brilliant poetry and imagery from new artists and those more established.  It has been our hope from the outset to be a venue hosting fresh talent, good poets who may have struggled to find a home for their work, regardless of how long they’d been at the craft. At the same time, we figured that as Hole In The Head became known as a locus for good work, poets, photographers, painters and other more established artists would also bless our Submittable door. And they have! Perhaps the most rewarding part of all: Our strong design, coupled with great work and our digital presence, has attracted a world-wide audience, offering authors and artists new and old a truly international opportunity to get their work out. As of 11/10/20, our site has been viewed 10,879 times and 7,145 of those are unique visits from 89 different countries - from Algeria to Vietnam. And all of this comes to you free of charge. But excellence comes at a cost. Establishing and maintaining the website and domain, submission site, marketing and advertising, memberships...we covered these and other expenses with the generous assistance of readers and a modest submission fee in our first year. None of these expense go away in the second year - damn it! And we have more plans for our second year and each one comes with a price tag. Most importantly, we will become a 501c3 non-profit, which will allow us to apply for grant support. We also look forward to the day when we can pay contributors for their work and establish prizes/contests for poetry and visual arts. We will sponsor and produce readings and other in-person or virtual events. This is just to say, we need your help. If you like what we've done in our first year, please consider clicking here or the logo below and giving whatever you can. We're really excited about our second year! Thanks for your support!

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