Lavinia Kumar
Out along the pavement
I wait twenty feet ahead
for his plodding steps.
Then I walk. Stop. Again, again.
Until he and I reach the shop,
find mangoes, juice, milk.
Though our food list remains
the same over our years,
our pace is now different,
his one knee disobedient,
foot-moves no longer heel-toe,
gait aided with a pole.
But his face looks young,
mine wrinkled like oak bark,
so together we are a pair.
Back home, cats, ears-forward,
are in the front window, hope
to sight a rabbit, robin. Mostly us.
Lavinia Kumar’s latest books are Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Women, Women: Soldiers, Spies of Revolutionary and Civil Wars, No Longer Silent: the Silk and Iron of Women Scientists, and Beauty. Salon. Art. Her poems range from science to surreal to history and the everyday. Her poetry has appeared in US, Irish, & UK publications. Her website is