Richard Jones
The Little Girl
After her father died,
she still had to go
back to school. The first
day after the funeral
there was a big snow.
Early in the morning
I drove slowly from
my house up the lane
to the house where
she lived and now
stood alone without
her mother in a big
drift at the lane’s end
waiting for the bus.
The white lane was icy
and I drove dreamily
as a black hearse, slow
enough for each of us
to catch the other’s
eye and to silently
wave hello, hello,
and for me to note
the way she seemed
remote and far away,
snowflakes gracing
the shoulders of her
blue wool overcoat like
small circles of cut lace.
Richard Jones’s newest book is Paris (Tebot Bach, 2021). Other books include Avalon (Green Linden Press, 2020) and Stranger on Earth(Copper Canyon Press, 2018). He is the editor of the literary journal Poetry East.