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Table of Contents - vol. 1 no. 2
Editor's Note
Head Lines - Baron Wormser
K. Johnson Bowles (fiber arts)
Paul Bergstraesser
Lesley Kimball
Richard Blanco & Jacob Bond Hessler (photography)
Christina Harrington
Andrew Periale
Erine Leigh
Jere DeWaters (photography)
Pamela Sumners
Craig Finlay
Shelby Stephenson
Susan Demarest
Eva Goetz (painting)
Nancy Byrne Iannucci
Ken Rosen
Mickie Kennedy
Naomi Bess Leimsider
Charter Weeks (photography)
John Perrault
Lane Chasek
Marie Harris
Marilyn A. Johnson
Garrett Speirs (painting)
Kimberly Cloutier Green
David Weiss
Mimi White
Bhagavan Das Lescault (tattoo)
Book End - Jeff Davis interview
Greg Clary (photography)

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